News and Analysis Australian Federal Court rejects Spain's claim of sovereign immunity as basis for not recognising arbitral award as order of court in landmark judgment , and Diego L. Alonso Massa July 26, 2021
News and Analysis Australia – UK FTA rejects investor-state dispute settlement in favour of state-to-state dispute settlement , and Diego L. Alonso Massa July 21, 2021
News and Analysis True Blue Development drops bombshell ICSID claim against Grenadian Government , and Diego L. Alonso Massa July 18, 2021
News and Analysis Devas-Applicants make out exceptional case to serve joinder application on India's Antrix via email , and Diego L. Alonso Massa July 13, 2021
News and Analysis United Kingdom signs a new Free Trade Agreement with EEA EFTA countries , and Diego L. Alonso Massa July 12, 2021
News and Analysis Croatia and several banks settle four ICSID arbitrations regarding the retroactive conversion of Swiss Franc denominated Loans , and Diego L. Alonso Massa July 7, 2021
News and Analysis Round and round it goes: Dutch Court highlights contradictions in Arbitral Tribunal's assessment of Merck's "denial of justice" claim against Ecuador , and Diego L. Alonso Massa July 6, 2021
News and Analysis Canadian miner's subsidiary seeks remedies against Mali on multiple fronts , and Diego L. Alonso Massa June 29, 2021
News and Analysis Will the new Spain-Colombia BIT Model accelerate the transition to a Multilateral Investment Court? , and Dean Ehrlich June 25, 2021
News and Analysis Ecuador's re-accession to the ICSID Convention highlights domestic constitutional controversy , and Diego L. Alonso Massa June 23, 2021
News and Analysis Chilena Consolidada becomes the second insurance company to trigger dispute settlement mechanism with Chile in just five weeks , and Diego L. Alonso Massa June 17, 2021
News and Analysis Investor-Group adds their voice to calls for development of Green Trade Agenda , and Diego L. Alonso Massa June 15, 2021
News and Analysis New ICC arbitration proceedings bring debate on global pandemic’s social and economic impact into sharp focus , and Diego L. Alonso Massa June 11, 2021
News and Analysis Ecuadorian Government announces recourse against former Government Authorities, including Former President Rafael Correa, in connection with the Perenco Case , and Diego L. Alonso Massa June 8, 2021
News and Analysis US Court grants stay of proceedings with due deference to ICSID regime , and Diego L. Alonso Massa May 25, 2021
News and Analysis The Netherlands’ attempts to bypass ICSID dispute settlement doomed to fail , and Diego L. Alonso Massa May 20, 2021